This is an extract of a message given by Jonathan Cahn, Messianic Rabbi, best-selling author.
“As children, our parents often bought us clothes a few sizes too large because they knew that we were growing, and eventually they would fit. In the same way, believers start out their walks aspiring for the heights. But after they mess up or don’t see all that they had hoped to see, they start trying to shrink their calling. They lower their expectations, because they are uncomfortable with the gap between what their life currently is, and what their life is to become. But your calling does not shrink or decrease. God’s gifts and callings are irrevocable. It hasn’t shrunk. God knows that you will grow into it. Keep growing. If you don’t fit into your calling, that’s the whole point. If you did there’d be nothing to be called to. Don’t give up the calling, give up the doubt. Believe a few sizes bigger than you are. Believe you’ll become a person of victory, of righteousness, a person of the spirit, of joy, of purity, and of unstoppable love. Because God will only give you all calling that is perfectly tailored a few sizes too big.”
This is so true. I first started getting serious about Christianity in 2004 and the more I study God’s word the truer this becomes. If you would’ve told me back then that I was going to own a ministry and write Bible studies and currently I am working on my fifth book I would’ve told you that your crazy and sent you to a psychiatrist for evaluation. Like on military missions they only tell you what you need to know and never everything else. God does the same thing, He only tells you the next few steps that you need to know to continue. As you continue in life he will keep giving you the information on the same need to know basis. The critical thing that we must remember, is that as long as we stay focused on God’s way he will always continue to lead us. It is only when we try and take over and do it our way that we get lost. Jessy Dixon in his song “I Can’t Even Walk” says it so well here are some of the lyrics;
I Can’t Even Walk
I thought that number one would surely be me
I thought I could be what I wanted to be
I thought that I could build on lives
Sinking in sand
But I realize I can’t even walk
Without You holding my hand
I thought that I could do a lot on my own
I thought I, I thought I could make it
All, all alone
I thought, I thought of myself
As a mighty, mighty big man
But I realize I can’t even walk
Without You holding my hand
Lord I can’t even walk
Without You holding my hand
Because the mountains are so high
And the valleys are so wide
I’m down on my knees
I had to say,
Lord I can’t even walk
Without You holding my hand
All I can say is Amen.
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